Corns, callus and cracked heels
A corn is an area of hard skin over a pressure area. It is a defined circle, and over repeated pressure the hard skin forms an inverted cone shape. If the pressure is not relieved, the hard skin can press on the soft skin below to cause a wound, ulceration or infection. There are various reasons why people get corns but can include tight footwear, toe deformities, such as hammer toes, a bony prominence, orthopaedic problems with feet or gait abnormalities……or simply genetics.
At Rose Hill Foot Health we will remove any hard skin over the top of the corn and use a high speed water cooled drill to remove the corn itself. This is a painless procedure which in most cases will give immediate relief from symptoms.
Callus is a larger plaque of hard skin, often discoloured with a slight yellow colour. When walking the feet take a lot of pressure, and naturally the skin toughens up in order to protect the underlying tissues. Over a period of time, the skin can build up to become too thick and cause a problem. In elderly patients or patients with certain medical conditions, there can be a depletion of the fatty padding of the feet, which also causes callus to build up. The causes of Callus are similar to that of what causes a corn (as above)
There are two main techniques we use to remove Callus. One is to use a small surgical knife called a scalpel and the other is a high-speed water cooled drill. Neither is painful.
Cracked heels and fissures occur when the skin around the heel area of the feet becomes excessively dry. They can become quite painful and lead to more serious conditions if not treated promptly. The skin around the heel is naturally thicker than other areas of the foot and so requires more moisture to keep it supple. If the skin becomes too dry and lacking in moisture, the upper layers start to lose their flexibility causing the skin to split and crack. Cracked heels are quite a common condition, particularly in the summer months and in warmer climates.
At Rose Hill Foot Health, we will ensure we reduce any dry and flaking skin and hard skin build up, particularly around the edges of a fissure in order to encourage the skin to heal. We will check for open wounds, infection and treat accordingly and advise on suitable moisturising products.